End of a 9 year Cycle



It’s the end of a 9 year cycle. What are the odds that 9 years (to the dates) did I end up ending The Walden Moon to begin a new one as TWOPENCE + LADY. It’s like an END OF AN ERA. With a new DAWN.
Eclipsing out blessed endings to open up space for new blessings to come in for all.
I wrote my last post on May 12th on The Walden Moon. I will always still have thewaldenmoon.com, because I want to look back at my journey. For me. Because I value it. And now…
A new dawn has arrived and I’m extremely curious and excited about what life will bring.
I’m turning into an old lady who still blogs… hahahahahahahaha and I fuckin love it…
Gots me myyyy new website at twopenceandthelady.com where I share things I find beautiful. Like a look book or a book book.. or a snuggle with words of comfort. Things that bring me joy.
Thank you God infinity ♾️🐌🪱

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